Biometrische persoonsgegevens zijn persoonsgegevens die het resultaat zijn van een specifieke technische verwerking van fysieke, fysiologische of gedragsgerelateerde kenmerken van een persoon. Op grond hiervan is eenduidige identificatie van die persoon mogelijk. Of wordt zijn/haar identiteit bevestigd.

Voorbeelden van biometrische persoonsgegevens zijn vingerafdrukken of gezichtsafbeeldingen. Deze lichaamskenmerken zijn uniek. Daarom kunnen organisaties ze gebruiken om mensen te identificeren. En ook om te controleren of iemand is wie hij/zij zegt te zijn (authenticatie).

Toepassing biometrie
De meest gangbare en toegepaste vormen van biometrie zijn de vingerafdruk, de iris- of netvliesscan, stemherkenning en de gezichtsscan. Organisaties zetten deze vormen van biometrie vaak in voor identificatie bij toegangscontrole.

Ook kunnen organisaties bepaalde gedragskenmerken gebruiken voor identificatie. Bijvoorbeeld de manier waarop iemand een handtekening zet.

Waarborgen privacy
Het waarborgen van de privacy van een individu is van groot belang bij de inzet van biometrie. De unieke lichaamskenmerken zijn te herleiden naar één individu. Biometrische gegevens bevatten vaak ook meer informatie dan strikt noodzakelijk is voor bijvoorbeeld identificatie. Zo kan er uit bepaalde lichaamskenmerken ook afgeleid worden wat iemands gezondheidstoestand of ras is.

De Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG) regelt de verwerking van biometrische persoonsgegevens. Daarnaast bevat de Uitvoeringswet AVG (UAVG) nadere bepalingen hierover.

Bijzondere persoonsgegevens
De AVG bepaalt dat de verwerking van biometrische persoonsgegevens een verwerking van bijzondere persoonsgegevens is. Volgens de AVG is het verwerken van biometrische gegevens om iemand te identificeren in beginsel verboden.

Nederland heeft in de UAVG bijkomende voorwaarden hierover vastgesteld. Het verbod op het verwerken van biometrische gegevens is in Nederland niet van toepassing als de verwerking noodzakelijk is voor authenticatie of beveiligingsdoeleinden.

Other inspiration
Text 1
Frame 1.
Hi! My name is Ana, your doctor just activated me. I will give you a quick introduction before you can start using me. You have probably installed me because you have some serious struggles to manage time in your daily live and probably as well because of your hurting back and fingers. Al of these problems and even more is caused by the phone you have held and watched , day in and day out. Did you know that over 70 million(?) people died in phone crashes only in this passed year.

Frame 2. till 3.
A phone is such an inefficient device. It surprises me that we have already been using these devices for the passed 80 years.. now it’s time for a change. I am the the answer to all of your needs and desires. I am here for you. From now on I’m going to help and guide you through your whole life . You will have a social , healthy and happy life.

Frame 4.
I will give you an overview of your new ... you have 6 new ... in your body: I’m in your eye, ear, under your mouth, near your heart , upon your arm and in your finger.

Frame 5 till 7.
There is a speaker in your ear. This allows you hear me. I will give you your friends updates, I will tell you when you have to move because of low battery, I will respond to you, I will play the right music at the right moment and I will give you information about every single thing you want to know.

Frame 8 till 10.
Under your mouth there is a microphone , witch allows us to communicate. You can tell me to post whatever you want, to play music or movies and you can ask me for information about everything at anytime . I will always understand you and you won’t ever need to type anything.

Frame 11 till 14. Under your skin near your heart is your health sensor. This sensor will measure everything that happens inside your body. It will tell you when you have to move, if you need more vitamins, if you have to go to the toilet and if you have serious illnesses or health issues. Whenever you have serious health problems, your docter will come.

Frame 15 till 17.
there is a lens in your eye , with this lens you can make all of your pictures and videos and post them.

Frame 18 till 20.
you have a screen attached to your left arm. You can see whatever you want on this screen. For instance checking your health, watching videos and pictures. For everything I tell you, you can ask me for visuals.

Frame 21 till 24.
in your index finger you have a chip witch functions as your id. Because of this chip it’s always easy to identify yourself and nor your identity ca be stolen. In emergencies you can be recognized and you can be found whenever you are lost. This chip is also used to pay everywhere, from groceries to public transport. This makes your life way easier and efficient.
What if ..
Other inspiration
What if ..
Text 2

Thank you for purchasing I-Chip and congratulations, your operation was successful. All chips are now installed into your body. As soon as you say “accept”, you agree with our privacy policy.

- “accept”

You have now become one with your I-Chip. Not only will this increase your everyday life quality, I-Chip also supports your physical and mental health, helps manage your finances and keeps your social media closer to you than ever before.

0 – 3

Time to let go of your mobile phone, this insufficient device will no longer cause you backpains, migraines, insomnia or hurting fingers. Did you know over the past 60 years, 70 million people died due to accidents in which a phone was involved?
Apple guaranties your safety.

Time for a change, I am here for you. Together, we will have a healthy, social life. Apple will now show you a short introduction about I-Chip and all the new abilities you now.

The I-Chip consists of 6 components throughout your body:
1. In your eye
2. Ear
3. On your chin
4. In your chest/near your heart
5. On your arm
6. And in your finger

5 – 7

The speaker in your ear allows you to hear me. Through push notifications you will always be up to date about the news, and posts in your social media.

8 – 10

With the microphone underneath your mouth, you can demand anything you want, I can tell you the status of your health, I can help you remember what you forgot, I will always understand you, and I will always be able find the best answer to your questions. Always..


In your chest you can find your health sensor. This sensor will measure everything that happens inside your body. For instance, it will tell you when you need exercise, if you need more vitamins, and if you have serious illnesses or health issues. Whenever you have serious health problems, we will send an ambulance to pick you up.
Fun fact: the movement of your body generates the I-Chips battery.

15 – 17

there is a lens in your eye, with this lens you can make all of your pictures and videos and I will post them for you on your social media.

18 – 20

You have a screen in your arm, For instance, checking your health, watching videos and pictures. For everything I tell you, you can ask me for visuals.

21 - 24

The chip in your index finger functions as your personal ID.
Your safety is guaranteed because I will always know where you are.
This chip is used for all your payments. This way I make your life way easier and efficient.

Thank you for being one of the very first adapters of I-Chip. You will not be alone,
In a year time the Government obliges its citizens to participate
Happy to spent the rest of your life together.
Hello my name is Siri
Congratulations your I-Chip installation was successful. All chips are now installed into your body. As soon as you say “accept”, you agree with our privacy terms and policy.

- “accept”

You have now become one with your I-Chip. Not only will this increase your everyday life quality, I-Chip also supports your physical and mental health, helps manage your finances and keeps your social media closer to you than ever before.

0 – 3

Time to let go of your mobile phone, this insufficient device will no longer cause you backpains, migraines, insomnia or hurting fingers. Since the first mobile phone, 70 million people died due to accidents in which a phone was involved?
I guaranties your safety.

The I-Chip consists of 6 components throughout your body:
1. In your eye
2. Ear
3. On your chin
4. In your chest/near your heart
5. On your arm
6. And in your finger

5 – 7

The speaker in your ear allows you to hear me. Through push notifications you will always be up to date about the news, and posts in your social media.

8 – 10

With the microphone underneath your mouth, you control me. I will always understand you, Always..


In your chest you can find your health sensor. This sensor will measure everything that happens inside your body, and warn you about illness and unhealthy habits.

Fun fact: the movement of your body generates the I-Chips battery.

15 – 17

there is a lens in your eye, with this lens you can make all of your pictures and videos I will store them for you in the cloud.
18 – 20

With the screen in your arm I can provide you visuals for anything I tell you upon your request.

21 - 24

The chip in your index finger functions as your personal ID.
This chip is used for all your payments and functions as your keys.


Time for a change, I am here for you. Together, we will have a social, happy and healthy life.
Your safety is guaranteed because I will always know where you are.
End text (3)



50% ja

50% nee


"Geïnteresseerd Sci-fi world"

"Niet buitengesloten zijn"

"Snelle verzorgingsmaatregelen"

"Het zou makkelijk zijn in het dagelijkse leven, foto’s met je ogen maken bijvoorbeeld"



"Mensen geven alle controle weg, doet pijn om hier aan te denken"

"De organisatie heeft alle controle over jou"

"Het is eng, wat als de informatie wordt uitgelekt?"

"Ik wil mijzelf kunnen zijn"

"Je privacy gaat eraan"

"Apple gets all the power"

"Je bent altijd verbonden met je telefoon en dat lijkt mij onrustig”


Gemiddelde cijfer is een 7

(End Product)
Why should we be chipped?


When you become ill, or there there comes an unnoticed disease in your body what you can’t see, the local doctor where you have connect your chip with will receive a notification. You will immediately informed by the doctor about what’s going on in your body.
Besides to see what’s going on in your body, you can also see how healthy you are. To see which vitamin you are deficient and how many calories you already eat and how to stay on the perfect weight for you. This information will be shared through the chip to the application on your mobile.


Your identity can not be stolen and you become very aware of illness in your body.
If you are missing, the police can trace you where you were for the last time and you can send an emergency message with the chip.


Easily through customs, not along the way.
You can quickly call someone.
Take a photo or movie reportage with the chip of your eye.
Recording sound with the chip of your ear.